<# .SYNOPSIS Generates an HTML table to create a Custom Form in DHIS2 (https://dhis2.org/), the open-source public health data tracking system. Requires the input of a CSV template file, a copy of which can be found here: https://grump-it.pro/blog/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PMTCT_PEP_Data_Element_Import.csv .EXAMPLE Create-DHIS2HtmlTable -dataSet "ULsn5Vb8Q8c" -demographic "M and F" -pathToCSVTemplate "C:\Temp\PathToTemplateCSV.csv" -pathToHTMLFile "C:\Temp\PathToOutputHTML.html" -serverAddress "" -apiToken "d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV69J" .EXAMPLE Create-DHIS2HtmlTable -dataSet "ULsn5Vb8Q8c" -demographic "Females"" -pathToCSVTemplate "C:\Temp\PathToTemplateCSV.csv" -pathToHTMLFile "C:\Temp\PathToOutputHTML.html" -serverAddress "" -apiToken "d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV69J" .INPUTS [String]$dataSet - The UID of the DHIS2 dataset for whom an HTML table should be generated that will serve as a Custom Form [String]$demographic - The demographics being measured by the DHIS2 dataset (m, f, or m and f will be recognized) [String]$pathToCSVTemplate - Path to the CSV Template file which is read to create the names and order of the headers in the HTML table [String]$pathToHTMLFile - Path to the HTML file to be output [String]$serverAddress - The http address of the DHIS2 server [String]$apiToken - #api tokens come from the user account menu -> generate personal access code (remember that these expire every 30 days!!!!) .OUTPUTS An .html file with one or more tables depending on the number of demographics chosen #> Function Create-DHIS2HtmlTable { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position= 0, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please provide an UID for a DHIS2 Dataset to be read from the API (i.e. "ULsn5Vb8Q8c")')] [String]$dataSet, [Parameter(Position= 1, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please provide the demographics to be record by the dataset (F or M or F and M or F&M or in the case of babies/infants just infants or I):')] [String]$demographic, [Parameter(Position= 2, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please input the path to the CSV template file used to create the dataSet in DHIS2')] [String]$pathToCSVTemplate, [Parameter(Position= 3, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please input the path to the empty HTML file where the table and HTML will be outputted/generated')] [String]$pathToHTMLFile, [Parameter(Position= 4, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please input address of the server, e.g.')] [String]$serverAddress, [Parameter(Position= 5, Mandatory= $true, HelpMessage= 'Please input the Api Token with admin rights generated from user account menu -> generate personal access code in DHIS2')] [String]$apiToken ) Process { Try { #MAKE AN API CALL TO GET THE DATASET JSON ENTERED ABOVE $dataSetURI = $serverAddress+"/api/42/dataSets.json?filter=id:eq:"+$dataSet+"&fields=:all" $authorization = "ApiToken "+$apiToken $dataSetsOutput = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ "Authorization" = $authorization} -Uri $dataSetURI } Catch { Write-Warning "API call failed: Is the dataSet UID correct? Or has the Personal Access Token in DHIS2 expired? Is the server running properly? Exiting script..." Break } #CHECK THAT F OR M OR BABIES OR INFANTS WERE ENTERED CORRECTLY FOR THE demographic $Males = $null $Females = $null $Babies = $null If(($demographic -imatch "F" -or $demographic -imatch "\bfemale\b" -or $demographic -imatch "\bfemales\b") -and ($demographic -inotmatch "Inf")) { $Females = $true } If(($demographic -imatch "M" -or $demographic -imatch "\bmale\b" -or $demographic -imatch "\bmales\b")) { $Males = $true } If($demographic -imatch "Bab" -or $demographic -imatch "Inf" -or $demographic -imatch "b" -or $demographic -imatch "i") { $Babies = $true } If($demographic -inotmatch "F" -and $demographic -inotmatch "M" -and $demographic -inotmatch "B") { Write-Warning "Neither adult males, nor adult females, nor infants or babies selected. Please try again with M, F, or B. Exiting..." break } ElseIf(($Males -eq $true -and $Babies -eq $true) -or ($Females -eq $true -and $Babies -eq $true)) { Write-Warning "Detected a mix of adults and babies/infants. Please do not mix M, F, with B. Exiting..." break } ElseIf($null -eq $Males -and $null -eq $Females -and $null -eq $Babies) { Write-Warning "Neither adult males, nor adult females, nor infants or babies selected. Please try again with M, F, or B. Exiting..." break } #TRY THE PATH TO THE TEMPLATE CSV FILE TO MAKE SURE IT EXISTS AND IF SO IMPORT IT Try { $templateCSV = Import-CSV -Path $pathToCSVTemplate -Delimiter "," -Encoding UTF8 } Catch { Write-Warning "Template CSV File not found: is the path correct? Exiting script..." Break } #TRY THE PATH TO THE TEMPLATE HTML FILE TO MAKE SURE IT EXISTS AND IF SO IMPORT IT Try { Test-Path -Path $pathToHTMLTemplate | Out-Null Clear-Content -Path $pathToHTMLTemplate } Catch { Write-Warning "Template HTML file not found: is the path correct? Exiting script..." Break } #DETERMINE THE demographicS BEING MEASURED BY THE HTML TABLE(S) THUS DETERMINING HOW MANY TABLES TO GENERATE $tableDemographic = @() $tableDemographicSingular = @() #A COUNTER FOR TRACKING THE NUMBER OF DEMOGRAPHICS AND THUS THE NUMBER OF TABLES TO GENERATE $tableDemographicsCount = 0 If($Males -eq $true -and $Females -eq $true) #Both males and females { $tableDemographic += "Males" $tableDemographicSingular += "Male" $tableDemographic += "Females" $tableDemographicSingular += "Female" } ElseIf($Males -ne $true -and $Females -eq $true) #Females only { $tableDemographic += "Females" $tableDemographicSingular += "Female" } ElseIf($Males -eq $true -and $Females -ne $true) #Males only { $tableDemographic += "Males" $tableDemographicSingular += "Male" } ElseIf ($Babies -eq $true) { $tableDemographic += "Infants" $tableDemographicSingular += "Infant" } #CONVERT THE JSON TO A PSOBJECT $convertedDataSetsOutput = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $dataSetsOutput.Content).dataSets #GET ALL THE IDS OF THE DATAELEMENTS FROM THE ABOVE DATASET $dataElementsFromDataSet = $convertedDataSetsOutput.dataSetElements.dataElement $allDataElementURI = "$serverAddress/api/42/dataElements?&fields=:all" $allDataElementsOutput = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ "Authorization" = "ApiToken d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV58J"} -Uri $allDataElementURI $convertedAllDataElements = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $allDataElementsOutput.Content).dataElements #MAKE AN EMPTY ARRY OF DATAELEMENTS AND FILL IT BY COMPARING AN ARRAY OF ALL DATAELEMENTS AND THE DATAELEMENT IDS FROM THE DATASET ABOVE $allUsedDataElements = @() ForEach($convertedAllDataElement in $convertedAllDataElements) { ForEach($dataElementFromDataSet in $dataElementsFromDataSet) { If($convertedAllDataElement.id -eq $dataElementFromDataSet.id) { $allUsedDataElements += $convertedAllDataElement } } } #GET THE JSON CATEGORYCOMBO ID FROM THE TEMPLATE CSV FILE THEN CALL THE API FOR THAT CATEGORYCOMBO $categoryComboID = $templateCSV."Category combination UID"[0] $categoryComboURI = "$serverAddress/api/42/categoryCombos?filter=id:eq:"+$categoryComboID+"&fields=:all" $categoryComboOutput = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ "Authorization" = "ApiToken d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV58J"} -Uri $categoryComboURI $convertedcategoryComboOutput = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $categoryComboOutput.Content #GET ALL THE CATEGORYOPTIONCOMBOS IDS THAT ARE USED IN THE ABOVE CATEGORYCOMBO $usedCategoryOptionCombos = $convertedcategoryComboOutput.categoryCombos.categoryOptionCombos #GET ALL THE CATEGORYCOMBOOPTIONS THAT ARE USED IN THE ABOVE CATEGORYCOMBO IN AN ARRAY $allCategoryComboURI = "$serverAddress/api/42/categoryOptionCombos?fields=:all" $allCategoryComboOptions = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ "Authorization" = "ApiToken d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV58J"} -Uri $allCategoryComboURI $convertedcategoryComboOptions = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $allCategoryComboOptions).categoryOptionCombos $allUsedCategoryOptionCombos = @() ForEach($convertedcategoryComboOption in $convertedcategoryComboOptions) { ForEach($usedCategoryOptionCombo in $usedCategoryOptionCombos) { If($convertedcategoryComboOption.id -eq $usedCategoryOptionCombo.id) { $allUsedCategoryOptionCombos += $convertedcategoryComboOption } } } #GET allUsedCategoryOptionCombos AND TRIM OUT THE AGE RANGES THEN SORT THEM PROPERLY IGNORING NON-NUMERIC CHARACTERS $sortedAgeRanges = @() ForEach($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo in $allUsedCategoryOptionCombos) { #IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH A DATASET THAT HAS THE CATEGORY COMBO OF AGE+SEX GET THE AGE RANGES BY SPLITTING ON THE COMMA (AKA 5-9, Female BECOMES "5-9") If($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name -imatch "Female") { $sortedAgeRanges += $allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name.Split(",")[0] } #ELSE IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH INFANTS LOOK FOR WEEKS AND DAYS AND USE THESE AGE RANGES INSTEAD ElseIf($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name -imatch "Weeks" -or $allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name -imatch "Days") { $sortedAgeRanges += $allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name } } #GOT HELP FROM STACKOVERFLOW: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78646740/how-to-sort-an-array-of-age-ranges-with-both-numbers-and-characters $sortedAgeRanges = $sortedAgeRanges | Sort-Object {$_-notlike'<*'},{($_-replace '^.*?(\d+).*$','$1') -as [int]} #CREATE THE HTML TABLE HEADERS SECTION AND APPEND IT TO THE HTML TEMPLATE FILE $rowSpan = $sortedAgeRanges.count + 1 #BEGIN CREATING THE HTML TEMPLATE FILE #START WITH THE HTML HEADER AND CSS $HTMLCSSBlock = @" "@ #APPEND THE CSS HEADER TO THE HTML TEMPLATE FILE $HTMLCSSBlock | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate #GET THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN FROM THE CSV TEMPLATE FILE $arrayOfColumnHeaders = $templateCSV.Description #Indicator Descriptions #LOOP THROUGH THE NUMBER OF demographicS TO DETERMINE HOW MANY TABLES TO GENERATE Foreach($tableDemographic in $tableDemographic) { If($tableDemographic -imatch "\bfemales\b" -or $tableDemographic -imatch "\bmales\b") { #CREATE AN ORDERED LIST OF ALL USED CATEGORYOPTIONCOMBOS BY COMPARING THEM WITH THE ORDER IN THE CSV TABLE $orderedCategoryComboOptionIDs = @() ForEach($sortedAgeRange in $sortedAgeRanges) { $categoryComboOptionName = $sortedAgeRange+", "+$tableDemographicSingular[$tableDemographicsCount] ForEach($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo in $allUsedCategoryOptionCombos) { If($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name -eq $categoryComboOptionName) { $orderedCategoryComboOptionIDs += $allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.id } } } } ElseIf($tableDemographic -imatch "\binfants\b") { #CREATE AN ORDERED LIST OF ALL USED CATEGORYOPTIONCOMBOS BY COMPARING THEM WITH THE ORDER IN THE CSV TABLE $orderedCategoryComboOptionIDs = @() ForEach($sortedAgeRange in $sortedAgeRanges) { ForEach($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo in $allUsedCategoryOptionCombos) { If($allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.name -eq $sortedAgeRange) { $orderedCategoryComboOptionIDs += $allUsedCategoryOptionCombo.id } } } } #CREATE AN ORDERED LIST OF ALL USED DATAELEMENTS BY COMPARING THEM WITH THE ORDER IN THE CSV TABLE $orderedDataElementIDs = @() $orderedDateElementShortNames = @() ForEach($arrayOfColumnHeader in $arrayOfColumnHeaders) { ForEach($allUsedDataElement in $allUsedDataElements) { #$allUsedDataElement.displayDescription If($allUsedDataElement.displayDescription -eq $arrayOfColumnHeader.Trim()) { #$arrayOfColumnHeader #$allUsedDataElement.displayDescription $orderedDataElementIDs += $allUsedDataElement.id $orderedDateElementShortNames += $allUsedDataElement.shortName } } } #NOW CREATE THE CATEGORYCOMBOOPTIONIDS-DATAELEMENTID PAIRS IN ORDER $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairs = @() ForEach($orderedCategoryComboOptionID in $orderedCategoryComboOptionIDs) { ForEach($orderedDataElementID in $orderedDataElementIDs) { $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairs += $orderedDataElementID + "-" + $orderedCategoryComboOptionID } } #BEGING WITH THE TABLE COLUMN HEADER REPRESENTING THE demographicS $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock1 = @" "@ #APPEND THE FIRST HEADER BLOCK TO THE HTML TEMPLATE FILE $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock1 | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate #LOOP THROUGH THE ARRAY OF COLUMN HEADERS AND INSERT THEM INTO HTML BLOCKS THEN APPEND THEM TO THE HTML TEMPLATE FILE ForEach($arrayOfColumnHeader in $arrayOfColumnHeaders) { $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock2 = @" "@ $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock2 | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate } #DONT FORGET CLOSE YOUR HTML TABLE ROW $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock3 = @" "@ $HTMLTemplateHeaderBlock3 | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate #COUNTER TO KEEP TRACK OF ROW NUMBER FOR INSERTION OF $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairs $countOfRows = 0 #NOW CREATE THE BODY OF THE HTML TABLE STARTING WITH THE HEADER ROW ForEach($sortedAgeRange in $sortedAgeRanges) { #MAKE <1 HTML COMPLIANT If($sortedAgeRange -match "<") { $sortedAgeRange = $sortedAgeRange.Replace("<","<") } $HTMLTemplateBodyBlock1 = @" "@ $HTMLTemplateBodyBlock1 | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate #NOW GENERATE THE TABLE ROWS BY COMBINING $orderedDateElementShortName $sortedAgeRange $tableDemographicSingular #WHILE ITERATING THROUGH THE $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairs USING THE countOfRows VARIABLE FROM ABOVE ForEach($orderedDateElementShortName in $orderedDateElementShortNames) { If($tableDemographic -imatch "\bfemales\b" -or $tableDemographic -imatch "\bmales\b") { $ValuesToInsert = $orderedDateElementShortName+" "+$sortedAgeRange+", "+$tableDemographicSingular[$tableDemographicsCount] } ElseIf($tableDemographic -imatch "\binfants\b") { $ValuesToInsert = $orderedDateElementShortName+" "+$sortedAgeRange } $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairsCount = $dateElementCategoryComboOptionPairs[$countOfRows] $generatedRow = @" "@ $generatedRow | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate $countOfRows++ } } #ITERATE THE TABLE COUNTER $tableDemographicsCount++ #CLOSE THE TABLE HTML TAGS $HTMLTemplateENDBlock = @"





"@ $HTMLTemplateENDBlock | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append -FilePath $pathToHTMLTemplate } } } Create-DHIS2HtmlTable -dataSet "pyjYrZ2vO1O" -demographic "Babies" ` -pathToCSVTemplate "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Work\CSVs\PMTCT_BT_Data_Element_Import.csv" ` -pathToHTMLFile "C:\Users\me\Desktop\Work\CSVs\PMTCT_BT_Data_Element_Import.html" ` -serverAddress "" -apiToken "d2p_HXcMH2GYmSfb1S5OOkxwYq8bag4O2dgiXzHfezX8czke1vV58J"